Details about Masters admission to National University of Singapore through GATE marks

GATE score can be used to get admissions in foreign universities like National University of Singapore (NUS, Nanyang Technological Universi...

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Books you MUST HAVE if you want to crack GATE!

There are some books which needs to be bought by every GATE (chemical engineering) aspirant. After reviewing lots of books myself and asking people who scored really well on GATE, I have rounded up on the following books that are a must have:

1. Chemical Engineering for GATE by Ram Prasad, Khanna Publishers

An absolutely amazing book, with all the needed concepts summarized well and good questions for practice. Though you might need more in order to work out for GATE, but this books give a good start as well as a good finish to you GATE preparation. The mistakes are very less compared to other books available in the market. They also have GATE previous questions solved from 2000 to the most recent paper. Do check it out and buy it.

Here is the amazon link:


2. An Insight into Chemical Engineering by M Subbu

Another amazing book where absolute correct solutions to previous year GATE papers is given divided subject wise from the year 1990 and before to 2000. They have summarized the concepts well too. This makes it the 2ns book that is a must have in order to lead you to good GATE scores. It doesn't include Chemical Engineering mathematics though.

Here is the link to download it:

3. Objective type questions and answers in Chemical Engineering by OP Gupta

If you want to solve a lot of questions on each subject, this is one big fat book to buy! But there are some errors in the answers given so be careful and trust your concepts. Use this when you are done with other books. Buy this only because it is available in discounted price at amazon most of the times and hence becomes worth buying.

Here is the link:

4. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering by McCabe Smith

 This is considered as the Bible of Chemical Engineers, and for a reason. Be through with this book as most of the Gate concepts and formula used are from this book, especially for Mechanical Operations and Mass Transfer Operations. A MUST BUY!

Here is the link to discounted price at amazon:

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